Too Heavenly Minded?

I was admonished by a pastor once, “Don’t be so heavenly minded that you’re no earthly good.”  At the time perhaps my head was in the clouds, or I was “over spiritualizing” a topic of discussion.  But many years have passed since then and I haven’t really thought about it until recently.  I read an interesting discussion on a forum in which it was suggested that being too “spiritual” or heavenly minded is a matter of doing things that are seen as offensive, such as taking too much time to say grace, annoying others with your faith instead of being winsome, assuming a position of superiority or judgementalism over other believers, etc.  While I understand that words can have connotations beyond their normal use, and that the meanings of words can be tweaked to fit certain playful applications, such as double entendres, in the case of dealing with this popular proverb, I want to know exactly what is in the mind of a person who says it.

I have come across a familiar piece of Scripture (cited later) that has resulted in my taking a fresh look at this saying.  First of all, there is no verse in the Bible that says, “If you’re too heavenly minded you won’t be any earthly good.”  So, this statement reflects a non-Biblical opinion.  Equally, the terms “heavenly minded” and “earthly good” also represent non-Biblical value judgements.  In this context, being “heavenly minded” can mean anything religious.  And “earthly good” can mean anything that works to one’s advantage in a practical sense.  Similar sayings that rely on pragmatic results for proving worth are “Smart is as smart does.” and “But does it put food on the table?”.

So, the value of being “heavenly minded” is being weighed against the value of having any “earthly good”.  Here, the sole criteria for evaluating “spiritual” thinking is whether or not it produces anything considered useful or advantageous.  This judgement is made by the observer.  The word “too” indicates that being “spiritual” or “heavenly minded” is OK, up to a point but that in excess, it becomes harmful.  Like drinking alcohol, it needs to be moderated, balanced.  But since the “heavenly minded” person is unaware of when he’s being “too” spiritual, others must make that judgement for him.  The fallacy here is that each observer has his own idea of what exactly constitutes too much heavenly mindedness.

As I thought back to that pastor who had “corrected” me, I began to feel quite bad for him, because Scripture gives us a very different lesson.  An interesting exchange between Peter and Jesus is recorded in Matthew 16:21-23.  When Jesus told his disciples that he must, “go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.”, Peter rebuked him and said, “Never, Lord! … This shall never happen to you!”  Previous to that, in verses 15-19, Jesus had told Peter, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this [from verse 16 that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of the living God”] was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.  And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”

But now, only a few verses later, as Jesus hears this same, blessed disciple rebuking him, he turns his back on Peter, saying, “Get behind me, Satan!  You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”  Peter was concerned for Jesus’ well-being.  He didn’t yet understand how Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection would offer salvation to the world.  He was so focused on human wisdom he was being a stumbling block to Jesus.  Peter was so worldly minded he was of no spiritual good, the exact opposite of what he had been in verse 17, when Jesus told him his understanding came from God, not man.

Given that these two examples are polar opposites, we will not always have such extreme choices.  However, they do serve to clarify our options.  Do you prefer the wisdom of man or the wisdom of God?  Would you prefer being heavenly minded and of no earthly good, or worldly minded and of no spiritual good?  For me the choice is clear.  I would rather “have in mind the things of God” that they may see my good deeds and praise my Father in heaven (paraphrasing Matthew 5:16).

“Where is the wise man?  Where is the scholar?  Where is the philosopher of this age?  Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?”  (1 Corinthians 1:20)

“For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.”  (1 Corinthians 1:25)

“We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us.”  (1 Corinthians 2:12)

“The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, for they are spiritually discerned.”  (1 Corinthians 2:14)

“Do not deceive yourselves.  If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age, he should become a “fool” so that he may become wise.  For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight.”  (1 Corinthians 3:18,19)


About retiredday

I am Michael D. Day, a regular, everyday guy -- retired. I stand for God-given freedom, which means I think for myself. I believe in being civil, because the Bible teaches that we should love our enemies. But I also believe in saying it how I see it, and explaining just why I see it that way, sort of like 2 Timothy 4:2.
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43 Responses to Too Heavenly Minded?

  1. Sean D. says:

    The scriptures do tell us to not be “overrighteous” in Ecclesiastes 7:

    16 Do not be overrighteous,
    neither be overwise—
    why destroy yourself?
    17 Do not be overwicked,
    and do not be a fool—
    why die before your time?
    18 It is good to grasp the one
    and not let go of the other.
    Whoever fears God will avoid all extremes.

    The saying, “Don’t be so heavenly minded that you are of no earthly good”, simply echoes the caution in II Corinthians 13: 1-3 that says,
    “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.”

    It simply means that if you aren’t applying your faith here on Earth, loving people and showing compassion, because you’re too caught up in piousness, then you aren’t following the example of Christ and you are accomplishing nothing truly good.

    Liked by 2 people

    • retiredday says:

      I really appreciate your comment. You are looking at it differently than I am, and that’s fine. I think it’s a matter of dealing with the limitation of semantics. My understanding of your Ecclesiastes reference is that being “overrighteous” or “overwise” is a matter of pretense, such as acting “holier than thou”, or a matter of hypocrisy, which like legalistic or pharisaical “righteousness” addresses the letter of the law while ignoring the Spirit of the law, which is God’s love. (I really liked your reference to II Cor. 13:1-3.)

      The way I see it is that being “heavenly minded” is qualitative, while the modifier “too” is quantitative. In a purely literal sense, I do not believe one can be “overrighteous”. If we are to be Christ-like, how then can we be too Christ-like? If our “heavenly mindedness” is authentic, we can never be “too much” so. It’s only when we put on a false show of righteousness that we are in error.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Paeshence says:

        I agree Retiredday!


      • Diane says:

        I also have heard this saying and thought I’d “google” it to see if there were scriptural passages that backed up such a stupid saying. What a breath of fresh air – the Holy Spirit – to read your wise words. I agree with your interpretation entirely. Every day I ask the Lord to use me to be a blessing to others. Whatever person I encounter, I hope God speaks to them through me – kind words, a helping hand, a smile – and when I speak to that person, I tell them how thankful I am to the Lord for the good things He is doing in my life. I heard an interesting quote by a successful woman yesterday about her father telling her she was a thoroughbred and to put on the side-blinders and keep her eyes on her goals. I thought to myself, that’s what Hebrews 12:2 says, “Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.” Rather than be distracted by the judgmental and hurtful words that professing Christians may say to me, I will keep my eyes and mind focused on Him, and strive to be 100% heavenly minded! Thank you for your encouraging words.


      • I totally agree with you, Retiredday


      • probatikos6fdbf12458 says:

        Am in agreement with you Retireday. Just posted on FB the other day on this very subject matter and a reader of my post sent me your blog. I too, said as much but in different words. Thank You for your biblical view in the real world. I really liked how and what you wrote.


        Liked by 1 person

      • retiredday says:

        Thanks, brother for your encouraging comment.

        Liked by 1 person

      • probatikos6fdbf12458 says:

        Wow,, I was replying to another comment pertaining to your blog. I am surprised to not only get a reply but so soon. I kind of figured it might be unwatched. Thank you so much for replying back.

        Yesterday I wrote a on FB on this very subject and a friend tagged this article, your article to my post after we discussed it. And it really blessed me. You and I discussed same topic in different ways and come out with the same solution to it. I see yours as more elegant. God Works. :) I will be reading more of your posts.



  2. Jack says:

    Hi, retiredday. Interesting article. OK, I’ll bite–here’s a comment. :)

    I think this “proverb” does refer to balance. I disagree that balance is not needed in the area of spiritual things. Although I do agree that it is impossible to be too Christ-like in the biblical sense, it is possible to become religiously unbalanced. Here are some examples:

    1) You read the Bible 3 hours a day, and spend 4 additional hours a day praising and thanking God and praying, such that you have no time left to love or help others. Is that really healthy?

    2) in a more realistic example, let’s say you do find time to love and help others. But let’s say you go to church 4 times a week, and Bible study two other nights a week. The only thing you ever read is the Bible. You don’t read any other books or magazines or newspapers. You only listen to religious music. You have no regular hobbies such as gardening, tennis, etc. The only thing you ever talk about is God and “spiritual” matters, and are incapable of even discussing benign things like the weather. Is that really healthy?

    3) Whenever you wake up in the morning, before getting out of bed, you spend 10 minutes praying to God about which shoe you should put on first. Is that really healthy? ;)

    4) Whenever you go out to eat at a restaurant, before eating your dessert, you go to the restroom and spend time praying and seeking God’s will about whether you should have vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream. Is that really healthy? ;)

    I think the whole saying refers to becoming a “religious fanatic” or “religious nut.” And yes, it is possible for a sincere, non-holier-than-thou Christian to fall into such a rut.

    Here are a couple of verses that speak to the area of balance:

    Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. James 3:13 [Notice that this verse speaks of “deeds”–it’s not good enough just to focus on God and things above; you also have to pay sufficient attention to things on earth as well.]

    Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? James 2:15-16 [I think a lot of Christians falter in this area. They are so full of “spiritual-speak” (as they say, talk is cheap), but they don’t do anything practical to help those in need.]

    It may be mostly a matter of semantics, but anyway, God didn’t create us to develop only the spiritual parts of our beings and to neglect our intellect, natural talents, bodies, etc. So, I do think it’s important that as Christians we become balanced individuals who attract others to Christ, not turn them off.

    Hope this is helpful. :)


  3. retiredday says:

    Thanks for taking the time to give me your feedback. I agree that we can become religiously unbalanced, and you provided some excellent examples. However, to me being religious is not the same as being spiritual (heavenly minded). Jesus as a man who walked among us is our perfect example of heavenly mindedness and yet he was very down-to-earth. He related to people at their own level and yet drew them up to his.

    As far as prayer goes, I don’t see it as a distraction or as something we do instead of taking action. I don’t believe genuine prayer ever takes us away from things we should be doing. If we are truly communicating with the LORD when he needed us to do something, don’t you think he would say OK, prayer time is over, go and do such and such? Anyway, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says to pray without ceasing. So while we are busy with our “deeds” we still need to be in prayer.

    God Bless you.


    • probatikos6fdbf12458 says:

      So beautifully and well said. As we are to be “rightly dividing the Word” so to are we to be “???”: Actually I believe there is no better way then the way Retireday says it. I was trying to be spiritual but couldn’t get past: Retireday—[ However, to me being religious is not the same as being spiritual (heavenly minded). Jesus as a man who walked among us is our perfect example of heavenly mindedness and yet he was very down-to-earth. He related to people at their own level and yet drew them up to his]. Perfectly said!!! !!! !


  4. Jack says:

    Hi. You’re welcome.

    OK, I think it is a matter of semantics. When I think of “heavenly minded,” I don’t necessarily think of “spiritual.” To me, “heavenly minded” almost implies having one’s head in the clouds and being quixotic. And I definitely agree that being religious is not necessarily the same thing as being spiritual.

    “As far as prayer goes, I don’t see it as a distraction or as something we do instead of taking action. I don’t believe genuine prayer ever takes us away from things we should be doing.”

    Well, it shouldn’t. But that’s what I think the whole phrase “too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good” is trying to convey. I think it’s basically saying that a lot of folks acquire a warped view of what serving God is really supposed to mean and neglect the spiritual as it applies to earth.

    “If we are truly communicating with the LORD when he needed us to do something, don’t you think he would say OK, prayer time is over, go and do such and such?”

    Yes, but imbalanced folks cannot hear Him. It’s like someone who needs a hearing aid. Maybe they’re communicating with you, but they can’t hear a word that you say.

    “Anyway, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says to pray without ceasing. So while we are busy with our “deeds” we still need to be in prayer.”

    I don’t believe that “pray without ceasing” literally means 24/7. There is a difference between “continually” and “continuously.” I think the Bible means “continually.” Here’s what a dictionary says about the difference:

    “In precise usage, continual means ‘frequent, repeating at intervals’ and continuous means ‘going on without pause.”

    IOW, we should devote our whole day to God and always do our best to be mindful of Him, but obviously I don’t think He literally expects us to devote every moment to prayer.

    Oh, I thought of one more common example of religious imbalance. :) It’s related to the others I described in my previous post, but I think it deserves its own special classification. I like to refer to these kinds of Christians as “kum-ba-yah” Christians. So what is a “kum-ba-yah” Christian? Somebody whose praise for God is so syrupy, gushy, and overdone as to be downright nauseating. In addition, this kind of person is basically always going around to everybody else and saying “Smile!!!” Here are some examples:

    “I was walking in the forest this morning, and when the sun broke through the trees, I beheld the glory of the Lord! A squirrel came across my path, and I just started praising and marveling at the Lord for His goodness to create such loving, adorable creatures who can be eternal witnesses to His glory. And then I saw some leaves on the ground arrayed in such beautiful colors, and I was reminded of our Glorious Creator who fashioned them to show forth His exceeding handiwork! Then I looked at the shirt I was wearing, which is made of cotton, and I realized that the All-Knowing One created the plant which would be used for my very own clothing. He had designs for this plant even before the universe was made, in loving attention to what He knew His beloved children would need in order to clothe themselves. Indeed, my own humble shirt was destined to proclaim the glory of the Lord!!!!!!”

    Let’s say someone has just died and the “kum-ba-yah” Christian knows about it. Here’s his or her response: “I’m sorry about your loss. But just know that THE LORD, the Mighty One of the heavens, will turn your burden around for an exceeding weight of glory. Give it all up to him, praise Him, and He will exalt you!!! He will shower forth blessing upon blessing on you, use your life for His glory, and YOU WILL praise Him!!!! This but light and momentary burden of yours is to be used for your good and for the splendor of His eternal righteousness!! Praise the Lord!!!!”

    What is wrong with ‘kum-ba-yah” Christians? Two main things are: 1) They completely lack sobriety, which the Bible commands us to have. They’re too busy “exulting in the Lord” to have any. 2) The Bible tells us to rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. But “kum-ba-yah” Christians are way too busy rejoicing in the Lord and living in “la-la land” to ever have time to weep with anyone who weeps. Overall, I think “kum-ba-yah” Christians are imbalanced, self-centered, and just not “real.”

    Anyway, I think we’ve given decent coverage to “religious imbalance.” :)

    God bless you too.


  5. retiredday says:

    As I wrote in my article, I consider being heavenly minded as having in mind the things of God. J. Vernon McGee, discussing 1 Thessalonians 5:17, commented that “pray without ceasing” doesn’t mean you’re to stay on your knees all the time, but to constantly maintain an attitude of prayer. Sometimes understanding Scripture is simply a matter of common sense. Continually and continuously are English words, which my dictionary lists as synonyms of each other. Both have been used in translating the Greek word adialeiptos, which means without intermission, incessantly and assiduously.

    As to what you call “Kum-ba-yah” Christians, Jesus had much to say about the Pharisees, who similarly demonstrated “religious imbalance”. However, be careful not to paint with too broad a brush. We are judged by the same standards we use to judge others (Matthew 7:1, 2).


  6. Jack says:

    Hi. I’ve looked in 3 different dictionaries. They all have a couple of different definitions for “continually.” I think the “recurring regularly or frequently” makes more sense, using, as you said, common sense. As for the Greek word, here are some more definitions of it:

    “88 /adiáleiptos (“without unjustified interval”) refers to what happens regularly, without implying “always” or “uninterruptedly.”

    [88 (adiáleiptos) occurs in the papyri meaning “regularly, yet intermittent” – like a persistent cough (see Moulton-Milligan).]”

    “As to what you call “Kum-ba-yah” Christians, Jesus had much to say about the Pharisees, who similarly demonstrated “religious imbalance”.”

    Well, the Pharisees weren’t necessarily “kum-ba-yah” Christians. They didn’t really seem to love God, and weren’t all chirpy and syrupy. OTOH, I think that many “kum-ba-yah” Christians love God the best they know how, but are just imbalanced.

    “However, be careful not to paint with too broad a brush.”

    Huh? How would pointing out that a lack of sobriety/overemotionalism in Christians and a lack of empathy toward those who are hurting be considered painting with too broad a brush?

    “We are judged by the same standards we use to judge others (Matthew 7:1, 2).”

    Yes, and those verses are referring to unjust, hypocritical judgment. IOW, if we have a beam in our own eye, we shouldn’t be judging the speck in our neighbor’s eye. However, John 7:24 commands us to: “Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment.”


    • retiredday says:

      I do not wish to quarrel about words (1 Timothy 6:4). And let’s not argue about disputable matters (Romans 14:1). Basically, my post expresses the opinion that there is no such thing as “heavenly mindedness” as it applies to the common understanding of the popular proverb. I equate heavenly mindedness with “having in mind the things of God” and I consider “pray without ceasing” to mean never stop being heavenly minded, regardless of what actions we are taking.

      You, as well as many others do not agree with my position, and you have made your position clear. Let’s just leave it at that.


  7. Robert says:

    While a good and interesting perspective, clearly the author missed the point of the Pastors comment about being “to heavenly minded”. There are many people in the Christian community that remain so focused on driving their Biblical point, that they do more harm than good. The Pastors point was clearly one of meet people where they are, understand how their life may have shaped them into who they are, and then “DEMONSTRATE” the power of God through words and deeds. To often the church has lost site of this and by focusing to much on sin consciousness, rather than how the love of God changes lives. The main point is always do what is right, don’t deal in who is right. People fight over the who because of ego, never over what, because it represents the higher good for all involved.


  8. YoungGuy says:

    I’ve read all the comment. I’m a young guy thinking about this same issue, my thing was how can we be too heavenly minded that were no earthly good? Isn’t that the point to become heavenly minded? I came across this scripture. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. (Colossians 3:2 NIV) I understand what people are getting at about the cliche but I think it’s the total opposite according to the scripture that we are and have to be heavenly minded. Now when we do things like really wanting to preach the Gospel to a place where people hunger like in one comment and not meet the need ALSO I believe that’s not due to them not being heavenly minded because they want to preach the gospel to people but its just not doing ALL that God told us to do its just half and that goes into not completely following God but Didn’t Jesus feed the people with 5 loaves and two fish then said I am the bread of life? We can think (heavenly minded) about Gods word but we have to demonstrate it to. The Kum ba ya people I don’t think anything is wrong with praising The Lord but their is something to be said about people who do it to be seen in the bible. Praying without ceasing? Isn’t praying just communication with God? Cant you pray in your mind? Isn’t being heavenly minded meditating on God word or even fasting aligning the lines of communication between God and your spirit man? So in that sense if your heavenly minded and your spirit is aligned with that of the will of the fathers aren’t you praying (communicating) without ceasing? dont know where the cliche came from but i think its a terrible one but what do I know I just a young guy. Please respond


    • retiredday says:

      “By George, you’ve got it!” From your comment, I glean that you completely understand what I was trying to communicate in my post. One of the things that is difficult in being a Christian is that we are spiritually reborn, but we must continue to trudge around in a fallen world. People naturally use clichés a lot when they try to communicate. But sayings such as the one about being too heavenly minded don’t really satisfactorily explain Christianity. I think sayings like that short change the meaning of our faith. Human language already has its limitations when we try to express infinitely perfect truth. We shouldn’t make things even more difficult by depending on trite sayings to explain faith.

      As you have read in these comments, different people have different definitions for “heavenly minded” and “earthly good”. Try not to let mindless chatter cause you to stumble. Matthew 5:48 tells us to be perfect, yet who of us has succeeded in that? All we can do is keep pressing on (Philippians 3:12-14). And give all glory, honor and praise to Jesus.


  9. Angelica says:

    I was admonished by a pastor once, “Don’t be so heavenly minded that you’re no earthly good.” At the time perhaps my head was …

    I’ve recently had someone say that to me, which is what brought me to do a search on what one of the Pastor’s at my church was trying to tell me that she couldn’t explain well. I thank you for writing this article.

    Sometimes I think that the people who say those things see something in the “spiritually minded” that they simply just don’t understand. Therefore, these kinds of sayings are used to make the point instead of asking questions about exactly what is in one’s heart and mind. Maybe the person doesn’t really have an interest in knowing because it hits a nerve inside of them that they aren’t ready to deal with or maybe they just don’t have the time or want to make the effort. Whatever it is, is it being “earthly good” to make these types of comments? I don’t believe so. I do believe that it could act as a stumbling block to a Christian with a fire for God.

    I hold no offense for the Pastor that said this to me. I have enough of a relationship with God that I completely understand where He is leading me and if that’s more “spiritually minded” than I currently am then I am all in! Even if that costs me the Pastor’s respect because she thinks I’ve gone wacko. We have to be careful not to judge each other’s walk with the Lord. If a person loves to talk about the Lord so much that they make everyone else puke…don’t you think that it would be pleasing to the Lord? Isn’t he the only one who would be able to recognize if it is authentic or not?

    For me, prayer is a constant conversation with God. And yes, I want to “pray” without ceasing and that is what I do. I have a constant conversation with God; about the weather, about my thoughts about a song on the radio, about what he thinks about the beautiful day, etc. I want to know God. I want to KNOW HIM! Not just what He thinks when I’m in a place of difficulty and I need His help. What is so scary about someone’s commttment to the Lord that others fear? If others fear that dedication, then I will pray for their fear to be removed because after all, they aren’t judging me, they are judging God in me. They aren’t judging me because I’m using bad language to someone or anything that is clearly a sin. They are judging my love of the Lord. That in itself isn’t love. How earthly good does that make them? Thank you again for your article, it helped me.


    • retiredday says:

      Thank you so much for your candid and personal remarks. Sometimes by letting the Lord be our Lord, we do risk others thinking we’ve gone wacko…sort of like being fools for Christ (1 Cor. 4:10). And that’s OK. God bless you!


  10. PJ says:

    I can’t speak to why the pastor said such a thing to you. To me the “too heavenly-minded, no earthly good” phrase could only possibly be viewed in relation to James 2:14-26. Our earthly good being our works done as a demonstration of our faith. A ‘too heavenly-minded’ faith without those works is dead. There is no question that as Christians we are to set our affection on ‘things above’ (Colossians 3:2), but this speaks to having the mind of God, sharing His desire rather than our own earthly desires.


    • retiredday says:

      Thanks for your comments. Unfortunately, I don’t remember what I had said that caused the pastor to warn me not to be so “heavenly-minded”. A problem I have discovered is that the phrase means different things to different people. A lot of folks seem to be critical of Christians perceived to be “all talk and no walk”, so your comments are apt. And as for me, your reference to Colossians 3:2 goes to the core of the matter. I think denying ourselves, taking up our cross daily and following Christ requires that our minds be on heavenly things.


  11. scott says:

    One man can be thanked for teaching the entire philippines how to read. Why did he do it? So they can read the bible. So heavenly minded that he was earthly good.


  12. Joanna says:

    I so have appreciated this article and all the comments. It seemed to have evolved from the original intended writing, but the other thoughts expressed helped me to hit a nail on a head I was aiming for but was having difficulty hitting! Retiredday, your response to everyone was sincere and patient. Thank you brothers and sisters for posting your perspective. May we all continue to live in Jesus’ light in all humility and sincerity.


  13. Phyllis says:

    Thank you for clarifying that phrase, I just recently heard that from my pastor, so I googled it. Your scripture settings and comments helped me understand and know that I must be more heavenly minded, especially in these last days. God bless your good works!


  14. Michele says:

    Hi Retiredday, Jack and all,
    I see some of your points…i did not read all, but i understand the different perspectives and i lean more in agreement with Jack in regards to balance.
    Philippians 1:21-25 says,
    For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain. But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose. But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ for that is far better; yet to remain in the flesh is more necessary for your sake. Convinced of this I know that I will remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy in the faith.

    While im no bible scholar, what i see in this is Paul spoke of what/who is far better to be with but chose to be of service in the natural/flesh realm.
    I think since we are already seated in Heavenly places (Eph 2:6) heaven is in us, then we can have a life of balance.
    What I find is that people can get off balance for many reasons, some of which are due to church hurts, trama, abuse, neglect, religious beliefs/misunderstandings, etc.
    For me this has been the case where I’ve been off balance. I thought I was okay… but through His grace and mercy He is showing me differently (in the Heavenly realm) And through people helping me (in the earthly realm) I’m able to see and realize how off balance I have been. It has been my whole life and I’m learning a new way to live and see things from His perspective here on Earth.
    I was so boastful and/or proud about knowing the Word of God, or anything pertaining to God that I would push people away/turn them off.
    I In no way was trying to be boastful but in looking back I could see how my character affected others, myself, and God.
    What I did not realize in doing that, it was making me feel rejected and abandon Etc. Those very same trauma triggers that I experienced from my childhood that I had never dealt with. I judged people as rejecting me (just like they rejected Jesus) and therefore I continued to receive rejection with a greater measure (matt 7: 1-2).
    So the more I was rejected the closer I drew to the Lord …not realizing that what i was doing was affecting myself (including my health), others, and God.
    I had to forgive my mother and father, others and accept God’s forgiveness. I have to ask Holy Spirit for balance in all areas of my life and to help me know the season im in.
    I can not stay in the Spirit 24/7 in such a way that it is of no benefit here on earth. Christ is in me, the hope of glory… so i am able to walk out my salvation… continuing to seek His balance for me and that i would not offend or cause a stumbling block (the best that i can).
    People are at different places in their life. Different lifestyles, different beliefs, different understandings, Etc.
    I do believe balance is the key in the Lord. Just like we are to rightly devide the word of truth. (2 Tim 2:15)
    I love being in the Spirit, seeking Him in all things and spending time in the Spirit. Sometimes I can sit all day just sitting in His presence basking in His glory and that is wonderful, awesome and beautiful!
    I too desire to KNOW HIM …but in every area of my life.
    As someone mentioned, “God didn’t create us to develop only the spiritual parts of our beings and to neglect our intellect, natural talents, bodies, etc. A need of being balanced Christians who attracts others to Christ and not turn them off.”
    So i said all to say that i see in
    Philippians 1:21-25 that Paul chose to not be so Heavenly bound that he was of no service or earthly good.
    Blessings to all💖


    • retiredday says:

      The idea of balance sounds interesting. But is truth something you can balance? With what do you balance truth? That which is either true or false can not be balanced. Balance is functional, pragmatic, practical. But it does not define truth. Balancing light and dark produces shades of gray, but the Bible says, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” There is no truth in shades of gray. Life is life and death is death. There is no middle ground on that road. There is no fence to sit on between right and wrong. God has forever separated sin from righteousness. There will be no balancing act between the two at his final judgment.

      Proverbs tells us, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.” The idea of balance can look very appealing, but I would caution against leaning on that understanding.


      • Michele says:

        Hi Retiredday, Please note that I was not referring to a balance of light and dark. I was not talking about shades of gray…
        I was just simply sharing and referring to my personal walk with the Lord, my health, ministry, marriage and life in general.
        Thus the need and desire to be led by Holy Spirit in every area of my life.
        Maybe proper time management…making the most of it, might be better wording. 😊


  15. Andreas Clarke says:

    Thank you very much for sharing this insight and digging into something I believe many people say to their own “earthly” advantage, or disadvantage unbeknownst to them.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Treana says:

    I was hoping this post would speak truth, you delivered. I just had someone say that to me and I thought to myself is that in the Bible. People try to correct us when they themselves don’t feel the same convictions we have about God.


  17. David Anaafi says:

    Thanks Retireday. God hasn’t taken us out of the world after we accepted Him. Whether spiritual or not spiritual all bounce back to the things we do. So then, our actions must sync with what the spirit require. And that is the heavenly mindedness all about. Thank you very much.


  18. I agree totally with retiredday This sits well within my Spirit John 3:12

    If I told you earthly things [that is, things that happen right here on earth] and you do not believe, how will you believe and trust Me if I tell you heavenly things?


  19. Daniel Gartee says:

    Thank you for posting this all those years ago! I don’t even know if you still keep up with this but this was on my heart and I did a Google search for it. The truly Insidious thing about this seemingly harmless phrase that was used as almost scripture in churches for a very long time is its stark contrast with the verse I’m about to show. Of course Satan wants us to be focused on the world instead of the spirit because otherwise we could apply this next verse to our lives!

    I say then: walk in the spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Galatians 5:16

    We need to be much more spiritually minded and focused on the Holy Spirit who is just as much God as Jesus and God is. We has been spiritually starved today and Satan has been taking advantage of people left and right because the spiritual realm was left unguarded. We need to wake up and embrace the Holy Spirit and allow him to convict us and get the extra stuff out of our lives and live for God!


  20. Fi says:

    The experience of reading all that has been posted here has been insightful. The thing about scripture is that it is given to us in context so that we can discern the time, the place and the emphasis. It seems to me the best thing to do with a proverb that has not been spoken by the Holy Spirit, and creates disagreement among the saints, is to simply drop it, and instead to use what God himself has made known to every one of us to be true. God bless you all.


  21. Cristina Lee says:

    I love that you are still keeping up with this all these years later! what all these people are calling balance I call it spiritual wisdom. but we should always choose the side of Christ. As far as Heavenly minded no earthly good, I have heard it when I was adamant about doing what the Bible instructs us to do, example: a conversation about abstaining from sex until marriage…I was hit with too heavenly minded o earthly good. lol I see it as people thinking you are overly religious, that you are doing to much, or that you think that your are better than them. I view it as a way for them to get you to do what they want you to do and not what God wants you to do. But I hit them with Acts 4:19 “Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him? The heavenly minded quote is not in the bible and, in most cases, the mind of the person who is saying is not on Christ or heavenly things anyway so I don’t even entertain it. But it does bother me when they use it.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. David Roux says:

    Just a quick question: If I show concern about how my government is misusing taxpayers money which causes hardship to the less fortunate, I am told to stop being concerned about these things and to just focus on things above – eternal things. Is this biblical?


    • retiredday says:

      Great question. You may have noticed my blog is about both my Biblical faith and political views. Like you, I also am concerned about government abuses. The idea of focusing on the things above comes from Colossians 3:2 and is clarified in Philippians 4:8, which lists words such as “true”, “honorable”, “just” etc. When we think of problems in our government, we see that such qualities are lacking and we naturally want to do something to correct the injustices that we see. In Matthew 22:21 Jesus said to render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s. But In our form of government there is no Caesar. Instead, the sovereignty of our government lies in “We the People”, which means the whole body of citizens are responsible to elect righteous leaders who take their accountability to God seriously (see Romans 13:1-7, particularly verses 4 and 5). So, in that sense, I believe we are called to live out (civily) God’s standards in all we do, including participating in our own self-governance through being informed, voting, sharing our values with leaders and even becoming leaders ourselves, if that is our calling.
      Our government is supposed to be of the people, by the people and for the people. If we want righteous leaders and righteous laws, then We the People must be righteous. John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Unless people like you think about and participate in the political process of our government, that can never happen.


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